May 29, 2021

The Art of Moment Marketing

~ Muskan Shrivastava


In this rapid world of ever-changing trends, staying relevant is quite a task for modern-day brands. With the digitization and normalization of the virtual world, brands have since long sifted their marketing campaigns online. To relate to the world around them, brands usually try to be a part of trending topics to bring significance to their identity and relevance. This type of marketing is termed ‘moment marketing.’ In this article, let us look at how different brands have leveraged the art of moment marketing and how does it exactly help the brand grow?

What makes moment marketing work?

• Customers usually keep up with the ever-evolving trends and often seek ways to be a part of them.

• Regular customers get to be a part of the trend and enjoy the attention that comes with it.

• Brands do not need to sit and brainstorm about a fresh, new idea every day. Hence, it also makes the brands’ managers’ lives easy.

• Being a part of a current trend can make your campaign go viral and get a higher reach.

• Using moment marketing makes the brand familiar to its audience and can also make your message memorable.

• Many marketers find it hard to come up with ideas fast, but moment marketing comes to the rescue as it brings relevance and accuracy in delivering the message.

Top moment marketing campaigns by various brands:


Amul is one of the few brands that might come to almost every person’s mind when discussing moment marketing. For a long time, Amul leveraged this tool to keep itself relevant in the market, be it on any occasion. The adorable cartoons are a cherry on top!

Here is a recent example of its reaction when the Crypto market crashed.


Notice how they use the moment to promote their brand and send a message to their customers to find trust and comfort in Amul.


Let us take a look at the Eid campaign of the smartphone maverick – Apple.


This kind of message tells how sovereign a brand is in its ideology and helps make the brand more relatable and personal to its customers.

Mc Donald’s

McDonald’s, the fast-food brand, never fails to impress with its marketing campaigns. Here is one snippet of its marketing campaign on the eve of Mother’s Day.


Key points to remember while incorporating moment marketing in your next campaign.

1. The faster, the better. To bring relevance, fresh and new ideas relating to the trend or the occasion tend to be more liked by the audiences. Make sure you are on your toes and ready to go when trying moment marketing.

2. Keep it short. The message should be short and easy to read. Most audiences prefer to read shorter sentences rather than read large paragraphs!

3. Humour is the key! People love the positive messages. Try not to demean, defame any party involved and frame the message so that the value of the brand increases.

4. The spotlight is on your brand! Make sure that the message highlights how and why the brand is better. A campaign without a purpose and a message isn’t a campaign.

Keeping in mind that your culture is your brand, one should see consumers as complete human beings with all the real people's dimensions. Companies should involve themselves in the trending conversations and take advantage of this next big thing in content marketing, i.e., moment marketing. And yes, let's not forget what Wendy Piersall said: “Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first.”
Happy Moment Marketing!!

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